Makanan Binaragawan, Nutrisi Binaragawan : ProArgi9

ProArgi-9 merupakan produk terobosan abad ini, “The 1998 Nobel Prize Winning Research”, berupa campuran asam amino L-arginine dengan bahan glycemic rendah sebagai co-factor. Asam amino L-arginine diakui sebagai salah satu nutraceutical terpenting, yang disebut sebagai “molekul ajaib” karena khasiatnya yang hebat. ProArgi-9 diformulasikan oleh Dr. Ann Wees Allen, seorang peneliti termasyhur dunia di bidang penelitian L-arginine dan hormon pertumbuhan, nutrisi untuk olahragawan, glycemic index, thermogenesis, serta pengembangan orthomolecular dan nutraceutical. Beliau adalah dewan doktor di bidang Naturopathy.

Manfaat & Fungsi L-arginine

Berperan sebagai prekursor pembentukan Nitric Oxide (NO)

Menstimulasi pelepasan berbagai hormon termasuk hormon antipenuaan (anti-aging hormone), Human Growth Hormone

Selintas Mengenai Nitric Oxide (NO)

Melemaskan otot dan menyebabkan dilatasi (pelebaran) saluran darah sehingga meningkatkan aliran darah (penemuan yang mendapat hadiah Nobel). Hal tersebut membantu:

- Menurunkan tekanan darah dan menyembuhkan angina, mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung koroner

- Menanggulangi disfungsi ereksi (erectile dysfunction).

- Membantu meningkatkan kekbalan tubuh dengan memperkuat daya bunuh macrophage terhadap bakteri dan sel-sel tumor

- Men-support fungsi dan sirkulasi dalam otak sehingga meningkatkan daya ingat dan beberapa gangguan pada sistem syaraf seperti alzheimer dan parkinson.

Manfaat Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

Anti-aging (antipenuaan)
Meningkatkan fungsi otak
Menurunkan lemak tubuh dan meningkatkan pembentukan otot.
Meningkatkan elastisitas dan kelenturan persendian
Meningkatkan kerapatan tulang serta mencegah osteoporosis
Meningkatkan fungsi kerja jantung
Meningkatkan fungsi kerja paru-paru
Memperbaiki kadar kolesterol dalam darah
Meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh (immune system)
Meningkatkan kemampuan seksual.
15 Manfaat ProArgi-9 (Legal Claim Patent # 6,608,109)

Meningkatkan massa otot.
Membantu pertumbuhan otot.
Menstimulasi perkembangan otot.
Membantu respon hipotalamus.
Membantu mengurangi lemak tubuh
Sebagai antioksidan
Membantu mempertahankan kadar gula darah normal.
Lebih baik daripada L-arginine sendiri.
Membantu meningkatkan energi.
Membantu proses peremajaan.
Membantu meningkatkan kemampuan seksual.
Berperan sebagai adaptogen.
Membantu mengatur hormon pertumbuhan.
Membantu memproduksi Nitric Oxide.
Menstimulasi mekanisme anti penuaan untuk orang berusia di atas 23 tahun.

Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

How To Sponsoring Super Leader In Your Network Marketing Business

The people who run a network-marketing business tend to the view that the way to achieve success is to sponsor a super leader to join the network-marketing business that they run. However, to recruit a super leader is not easy. Sometimes, by chance we successfully sponsored a super leader, sometimes a super leader is slowly developing from scratch, sometimes even the super leader who find us. If so, how is the best way to find one (or several) super leader?

By definition, a super leader is someone who joins and run a network-marketing business and then to expand its business significantly and produce a high volume of product sales. Of course, the people who run a network-marketing business are eager to be able to recruit as many super leader in network-marketing organization for the super leader will contribute to the high commissions and royalties to the sponsor.

If so, how so you can recruit super leader in network-marketing your organization?

To be able to recruit super leader, you have to start from yourself. Start behaving like a super leader in your daily activities.

How does a super leader behavior patterns of everyday?
1. Do not expect a new distributor can be an immediate success in network-marketing business if you do not get support from a sponsor who is committed. As a sponsor, you must be willing to provide assistance and training to distributors and your downline so they can succeed and become a super leader.
2. A super leader has consistently set an example in using the product of the network-marketing company that he run. You have to trust the quality of the products offered by your network-marketing company. If not, how can you can convince others to use products that you sell?
3. Do not think that by joining a distributor network-marketing company, someone will automatic become wealthy and achieve financial freedom. A super leader should consistently run a network-marketing business. What is meant by running a network-marketing business is by conducting presentations, recruit, and educate your downline.

By applying the above patterns of behavior, you are indirectly creating the impression that you are really serious in your network-marketing business. By providing a good example for your downline, they will be more serious in their network-marketing business. If applied consistently, hopefully your downline also increasingly targeted in applying the behavioral pattern of a super leader and will have a positive impact on your network marketing business.
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