Makanan Binaragawan, Nutrisi Binaragawan : ProArgi9

ProArgi-9 merupakan produk terobosan abad ini, “The 1998 Nobel Prize Winning Research”, berupa campuran asam amino L-arginine dengan bahan glycemic rendah sebagai co-factor. Asam amino L-arginine diakui sebagai salah satu nutraceutical terpenting, yang disebut sebagai “molekul ajaib” karena khasiatnya yang hebat. ProArgi-9 diformulasikan oleh Dr. Ann Wees Allen, seorang peneliti termasyhur dunia di bidang penelitian L-arginine dan hormon pertumbuhan, nutrisi untuk olahragawan, glycemic index, thermogenesis, serta pengembangan orthomolecular dan nutraceutical. Beliau adalah dewan doktor di bidang Naturopathy.

Manfaat & Fungsi L-arginine

Berperan sebagai prekursor pembentukan Nitric Oxide (NO)

Menstimulasi pelepasan berbagai hormon termasuk hormon antipenuaan (anti-aging hormone), Human Growth Hormone

Selintas Mengenai Nitric Oxide (NO)

Melemaskan otot dan menyebabkan dilatasi (pelebaran) saluran darah sehingga meningkatkan aliran darah (penemuan yang mendapat hadiah Nobel). Hal tersebut membantu:

- Menurunkan tekanan darah dan menyembuhkan angina, mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung koroner

- Menanggulangi disfungsi ereksi (erectile dysfunction).

- Membantu meningkatkan kekbalan tubuh dengan memperkuat daya bunuh macrophage terhadap bakteri dan sel-sel tumor

- Men-support fungsi dan sirkulasi dalam otak sehingga meningkatkan daya ingat dan beberapa gangguan pada sistem syaraf seperti alzheimer dan parkinson.

Manfaat Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

Anti-aging (antipenuaan)
Meningkatkan fungsi otak
Menurunkan lemak tubuh dan meningkatkan pembentukan otot.
Meningkatkan elastisitas dan kelenturan persendian
Meningkatkan kerapatan tulang serta mencegah osteoporosis
Meningkatkan fungsi kerja jantung
Meningkatkan fungsi kerja paru-paru
Memperbaiki kadar kolesterol dalam darah
Meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh (immune system)
Meningkatkan kemampuan seksual.
15 Manfaat ProArgi-9 (Legal Claim Patent # 6,608,109)

Meningkatkan massa otot.
Membantu pertumbuhan otot.
Menstimulasi perkembangan otot.
Membantu respon hipotalamus.
Membantu mengurangi lemak tubuh
Sebagai antioksidan
Membantu mempertahankan kadar gula darah normal.
Lebih baik daripada L-arginine sendiri.
Membantu meningkatkan energi.
Membantu proses peremajaan.
Membantu meningkatkan kemampuan seksual.
Berperan sebagai adaptogen.
Membantu mengatur hormon pertumbuhan.
Membantu memproduksi Nitric Oxide.
Menstimulasi mekanisme anti penuaan untuk orang berusia di atas 23 tahun.

Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

Internet business is the most promising and proven

We often hear people say things like the above are now this. Indeed, the information revolution is occur.

As well as cars revolutionize the horse-drawn carriage, digital cameras that start replace manual cameras and now internet also has changed the habits community in seeking information and do business.

America's leading business media,- INC - releasing important information the business men who want to know the most promising business prospects by more than 10 years.

What business is it?

Internet Business, data processing and other information services- Computer systems and related services with- Software / Software - Services employment- Consulting: management, science, and technical- Home Health Care- Personal financial advisory services- Child care services- Arts, entertainment, and recreation- Film / Video.
Internet business is the most promise!

Starting from comparing the price of the gadget, booking airline tickets, see the news current, see the ad sales house or car, buy all kinds of goods, and much more.
Internet has become a marketing product and services that are most promising today.
"Whatever the business", the internet where wares. This is because a wide range, throughout the world. In addition, because the market is targeted and system automation certainly only.

The Internet makes marketing so more effective and cost efficient, time and energy.
Actually there are many more advantages - Excess in the market a business via the Internet.

Internet Business is the most promising business for more than 10 years.


The cost of daily necessities increasingly high, the prices of goods continue to rise. When you feel do not have Enough money for your needs, Actually there are two solutions:
• Perform efficient
• Increase income
Hmm ... maybe saving initially still be conducted in installments expenditure items, but May in the end ... you will of come to the point Nowhere inevitably have to increase is your income. Unfortunately, finding a job That Gives more money is not easy, right? Competition to get a decent job more stringent. This is why more and more people are Trying to have your own business. Ease yes .... by Owning your own business you cans set your own course on how much you Want to build the business. Do your imagine? Obviously the bigger your business, the Greater your earnings as well. But building a business is not easy, requiring special expertise and capital That Are not small. Would most people think, business is not the way That They choose cans. Perhaps you include WHO think like this? Taking care of the founding papers, taking care of employees, looking for investors ... yes indeed seem complicated. But now ... with the Internet, many online businesses
scattered That do not require these Things. Actually, having a business on the internet is much Easier Than doing business offline in general. However, do not reduce the potential revenue That Could be obtained. Some of the advantages of online business, Among others:
• Small Capital
• No need to have many employees
• No need to rent office space / shop
• No need to Spend lots of money transport
stuck in traffic
• Can run 24 hours a day
• Markets are not limited
• Can be done from anywhere and
Indonesia has a lot of people who  managed to Reap Also many dollars are dollars from the internet, do you Also Interested? But before you Decide to start doing business online, Should you first learn the types of Online Business That Is yes, Because a lot of Kinds of online business today. Starting from selling traffic, sell products, to DLM online ( approximately the which would be Suitable for you? Whatever type of real online business cans be divided into two main parts:
• System
• Promotion
The meaning of the 'system' here is a series of websites and other online tools that are Used to run your business. Usually the 'system' this is a sale. Yes is like a store. If in the offline world, you need to shop to sell it huh? If you already have a sophisticated and complete system, then the next step is promotion. If on the Internet, this campaign is Fairly easy to be learned by the Layman though. To have a 'system' a sophisticated and complete, one-cans to pocket at least US$ 1000,00. This money is Issued only once and of course there are other monthly costs around US$ 500,00 month to keep the system running. Although it May be to Some other people this number is Considered a large capital Enough, but compared to the hire shop and hire employees, of course these numbers are Relatively small capital. But what if there is a ready-made business, Nowhere you do not have to think about to make a sophisticated system or Spend Millions of money as capital, are you Interested? What if there is a business, whose system has proven successful not only in one or two people ... but TENS and even hundreds and Thousands .... and all you can get for free, are you Interested?

------------------------------ Business MLM has a good compensation system and cans be an alternative source of income, but unfortunately, his name Had been crossed WHO Because Some actors perform it with MLM there is an Inappropriate Way. In Addition Also you must be keen to see the system Offered Concerned by the MLM company. Unlike MLM companies Would Also vary the system, bonus calculation, facilities, and the appreciation and support for members. Here Are Some Things you probably already know about network marketing business:
• Network marketing is a Business That Actually means 'shame' of the existence of its own. This is why many actors use the MLM way WHO That Could be Considered a little 'cheat'. Case in point: May you never be invited a reunion classmate, WHERE you were the resource persons presented with a network of business presentation? Such models as this Actually looks confident offering his own note business directly and openly.
• Everyone already Knew about the network marketing system and have installed a high wall of words MLM, That makes you so Difficult to approach Them. In fact, his guilt is Because you are approaching people Who Are not Interested in building a business.
• Maybe you think, guys you've ever tried to network and find business MLM system does not work as Promised. In fact, crime was Because They did not know about a new era of online MLM!
Did you know at last why the term 'network marketing' to replace the word 'MLM'? Yes for the Reasons above it ;-) They Feel They have to put ' plaster' to cover the word with the word Network Marketing MLM, Treating the original injury without ;-) Try to see the picture below: This is a scheme of how Business is run over this network. Notice how the picture in your prospects are facing.

Maybe in the mind you, all the business network like huh That? Where you have to invite, woo, to persuade people WHO do not have interest to join with you? Now ... compare with the new era of network business system ... The era of the internet!

looking for a job on the internet

Currently, there are many people looking for a job
on the internet. Whatever your educational background,
usually when you finish you will find a job
for a clearer future. Although vacancy
that there can only accommodate 10% of the total force
work who want to occupy the position vacancy.

Fine an Information at this link

For those of you who are included in the 90% disadvantaged
to fill the vacancy on offer, of course
You have to look for information on vacancies
or open their own business. To start a business
yourself or business is not easy because in addition to required
capital, are also needed business skills and instincts
Without enough stock, can-can your money float.

Little opportunity to fill job vacancies as well as
not comparable between jobs and people who
want to fill these jobs. Besides that
job seekers with vacancies to rely too
existing work. Less creative in seeing opportunities.
Why not make an Internet business as a vacancy
alternative employment for job seekers.
So not only are there alternative treatments ya :-)

Internet businesses can be started with a very minimal capital
(Compared with conventional business) but has potential
a far greater even than business
conventional ones.

This is the opportunities which education BACKGROUND
You are never a problem. You can graduate from high school,
 State University, University Private even though
You never get education, you have chance
to be a business person in the online world.

You can generate hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars
per month even did not rule millions
dollars per day!

Just like when you fill the vacancy OFFLINE, you
need to have dedication and perseverance and spirit of learning
to be able to run an Internet business.
You also need training or orientation in order to succeed in
this kind of work.

Get the real information About Internet Marketing

Many websites that offers us the opportunity to make money. I see all offers MLM, money game or social gathering chain. Apparently not all of you know, there are still some who provide information about real internet business. Instead of consulting all this love for the beginner. After I joined, I felt really guided and receive a personal service.

Wow .. yes there are still

The guide will explain to you, one of the secrets or methods used

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Please visit the links above before the place closed or raised prices.

If you act now.

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How To Sponsoring Super Leader In Your Network Marketing Business

The people who run a network-marketing business tend to the view that the way to achieve success is to sponsor a super leader to join the network-marketing business that they run. However, to recruit a super leader is not easy. Sometimes, by chance we successfully sponsored a super leader, sometimes a super leader is slowly developing from scratch, sometimes even the super leader who find us. If so, how is the best way to find one (or several) super leader?

By definition, a super leader is someone who joins and run a network-marketing business and then to expand its business significantly and produce a high volume of product sales. Of course, the people who run a network-marketing business are eager to be able to recruit as many super leader in network-marketing organization for the super leader will contribute to the high commissions and royalties to the sponsor.

If so, how so you can recruit super leader in network-marketing your organization?

To be able to recruit super leader, you have to start from yourself. Start behaving like a super leader in your daily activities.

How does a super leader behavior patterns of everyday?
1. Do not expect a new distributor can be an immediate success in network-marketing business if you do not get support from a sponsor who is committed. As a sponsor, you must be willing to provide assistance and training to distributors and your downline so they can succeed and become a super leader.
2. A super leader has consistently set an example in using the product of the network-marketing company that he run. You have to trust the quality of the products offered by your network-marketing company. If not, how can you can convince others to use products that you sell?
3. Do not think that by joining a distributor network-marketing company, someone will automatic become wealthy and achieve financial freedom. A super leader should consistently run a network-marketing business. What is meant by running a network-marketing business is by conducting presentations, recruit, and educate your downline.

By applying the above patterns of behavior, you are indirectly creating the impression that you are really serious in your network-marketing business. By providing a good example for your downline, they will be more serious in their network-marketing business. If applied consistently, hopefully your downline also increasingly targeted in applying the behavioral pattern of a super leader and will have a positive impact on your network marketing business.
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